Monday, August 15, 2011

New projects.

I really need to throw a big *sigh* in here....

This just came today.

All five of 'em at 763 yards each.
So, yeah, a little overboard on the pic's, but if you are familiar with  either Habu, or linen yarn, you get it.
So...very....dreamy... the drape and the feel.  The stuff of dreams.

For this, specifically...Paper Crane.

And it will look just like this on me.  I am totally confident.  Right??  Right.
As I've said before, I have my knitting cut out for me for a space of time.
I'd better get outside and put in a couple miles, too.

I should of titled this, so much yarn, so little time....


Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

It will be Fabulous and I can't wait to see it!!

Lou Cinda

Linda said...

Looks yummy...enjoy!!

Ariane said...

You said it, so much to knit, so little time...